
Inoua, S. (2023). A simple measure of economic complexity. Research Policy, Vol. 52, Issue 7, Article 104793    

Inoua, S.M. & Smith, V.L. (2023). A classical model of speculative asset price dynamics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 2022 [refereed by 500+ reviewers for the “Nobel and Novice” experiment; formerly, “Re-tradable Assets, Speculation, and Economic Instability”]

Huber, J., Inoua, S., Kerschbamer, R., König-Kersting, C., Palan, S., & Smith, V. L. (2022). Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences     

Inoua, S. M. & Smith, V. L., & (2022). Economics of Markets: Neoclassical Theory, Experiments, and Theory of Classical Price Discovery. Springer Nature 

Inoua, S.M. & Smith, V.L. (2022). Perishable goods versus re-tradable assets: A theoretical reappraisal of a fundamental dichotomy, Handbook of Experimental Finance, Ch. 15. Sascha Füllbrunn and Ernan Haruvy (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing 

Inoua, S.M. & Smith, V.L. (2021). Neoclassical Supply and Demand, Experiments, and the Classical Theory of Price Formation. History of Political Economy, 54(1), 37-73. 

Inoua, S. M., & Smith, V. L. (2020). Classical Economics: Lost and Found. The Independent Review, 25(1), 79-90.

Inoua, S. M. (2020). News-driven Expectations and Volatility Clustering. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13​(1):17

Inoua, S.M. & Smith, V.L. (Forthcoming). Adam Smith’s Theory of Value: A Reappraisal of Classical Price Discovery, The Adam Smith Review.      

Inoua, S. (2021). Beware the Gini index! A new inequality measure. (PlosOne, Revise and Resubmit)